
Community + Motherhood

By Melissa Smith, owner Fit4Mom Little Rock January 31, 2019

Motherhood was never meant to be done alone. It's impossible to get through the days, let alone the years, without community. Entering into motherhood as a new mama can feel isolating, confusing, and completely overwhelming. Unfortunately, motherhood doesn't come with an instruction manual and you are forced to trust your instincts and dive straight into the deep end.

It truly boils down to trusting your gut, your intuition, those "mama bear" instincts, as well as surrounding yourself with mamas that are going through the same stages of motherhood as you are.

As a mom myself, I've experienced first hand the benefits of surrounding myself with other mamas. It made me feel good to find moms that were going through the same things, to compare stories, and realize that I wasn't the only mom going through drastic measures to get my sweet girl to sleep. For once, I was able to laugh again, breathe again, and to remember the person I was before I was a mom. Because, remember mama - you were someone before you were a mom. I was reminded by my tribe to give myself grace when needed, to remember to take care of myself, and when I felt completely overwhelmed - I was reassured that this season in life wouldn't last forever.

So how do you meet these mama friends?

Get out of your house.

Yes! I said it. Get. Out! Your first outing solo with your babe is always the hardest. But mama, it gets easier the more that you do it! Start with a simple stroll around the neighborhood or park.

Find your mama tribe.

Join a local moms group! FIT4MOM Little Rock is a local moms workout group that offers fitness classes specifically for prenatal and postnatal mamas designed so you can bring your babies in tow. They also offer free, weekly playgroups for the kiddos. They celebrate finding a village and community every day because they know that moms need each other.

Stick to your routine.

At the beginning of each week, schedule out your activities and stick to them. This will give you and your baby something to look forward to. You will also get used to seeing the same moms and babies at local story times, playgroups, and events.

If it wasn't for my mama tribe and pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I wouldn't have rediscovered who I was before I was a mom. Motherhood will take every ounce of who you are if you allow it to. Don't forget to take care of you, to find a village that supports you, encourages you, and reminds you to - Be brave. Be fearless. Be unapologetic for taking care of yourself as a woman, as a mother, and as a friend.

Melissa Smith

Mama to Lyla June, Proud Air Force wife, and owner of FIT4MOM Little Rock. Melissa is fueled by unsweet tea and a good Spotify playlist. Melissa has a passion for prenatal/postnatal exercise + nutrition. She loves exploring her new city, watching Bravo, listening to podcasts, a good chick flick + all things motherhood. 

Learn more about FIT4MOM here