
A Note from Your Publisher

Jan. 11, 2020

By Sandra Ozaki, Publisher Macaroni Kid North Little Rock January 12, 2020

I love January because it is a fresh start. Wipe the old slate clean (insert whiteboard for you Gen Xers) and start a brand new planner to organize and track your goals. In 2020, my focus is on parenting. I want to be a better parent. I'd also like to survive the transition from teens to young adulthood with my sanity intact. Those of you who have been there are probably rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. 

Keeping up with teens requires a different skill set than when they were younger. Be sure to check out "3 Activities You Can Do with Your Tweens & Teens" for some inspiration and bonding tips. And speaking of bonding, have your kids told you, "OK Boomer" yet? Not to worry, cultural literacy goes both ways. If your kids give you a hard time about their world, introduce them to yours and teach them how to pay bills or plan an entire meal from beginning to end. 

Here are some dates to note this month:

12th - National Youth Day

15th - National Bagel Day

20th - Martin Luther King Day

25th - Chinese New Year - Year of the Rat

And remember, if your church, school, or business has a free family event that you would like on our event calendar to reach our local families it is as EASY as pie, just submit it here:

