
A Note from Your Publisher

Welcome November

By Sandra Ozaki, Publisher Macaroni Kid North Little Rock, Arkansas November 2, 2020

Welcome to November friends! There is something exciting about autumn that goes beyond the falling leaves, thoughts of Thanksgiving turkey, and the time change. There is a sense of renewal in the air. Out with the old, in with the new. New normals, new routines, new beginnings are just around the corner. 

There's no doubt that anxiety and excitement go hand-in-hand and this week is one for the history books as the Presidental election looms large on Tuesday,  COVID-19 cases are on the rise (again), and families everywhere deal with difficult choices. 

If there is one thing Macaroni Kid North Little Rock is committed to, is to bring you the information you can use to make the best decisions for your family. Are you looking for virtual events? In-person events? Need new books for the kids to read? Want to get crafty and create meaningful memories with your family? Are you on a budget? Maybe you or someone you know needs help finding resources. Or maybe you just want to find ways to make a difference in your community. 

If there is something in particular that you are looking for or need assistance with, please email us at and we will do our best to find the information for you. As we grow our reach in our communities, know that Macaroni Kid is a national company with local editions just like this one. If you know a family or business that could benefit from connecting with their communities, send them to so they can subscribe to their local edition. 

